Guidelines on giving two auto injectors

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Understanding the Need for Multiple Auto-Injectors

Reasons for Carrying Two Auto-Injectors

Patients may carry two auto-injectors due to:

  • Second Dose Requirement: Sometimes a second dose of adrenaline may be necessary.
  • Device Failure: There can be instances where the first injector fails to deliver the medication.
  • Breakage: An injector may break or become unusable.

Medical Decision on Number of Auto-Injectors

The decision on how many auto-injectors a patient needs is made by the specialist or doctor based on:

  • Test Results: Assessing the patient's allergy test results.
  • Individual Circumstances: Considering factors unique to the patient's situation.
  • Treatment Plan: Developing a suitable treatment plan for managing potential anaphylactic reactions.

Effectiveness and Maintenance

Auto-injectors are generally effective, but it is important that:

  • Proper Training: Patients receive training on correct usage and maintenance of the device.
  • Emergency Help: Patients must seek professional medical assistance after using the auto-injector.

Guidelines for Prescribing Multiple Devices

According to the UK Resuscitation Council, multiple auto-injectors may be prescribed in situations such as:

  • History of needing multiple adrenaline doses.
  • Limited access to emergency services, e.g., living in remote areas.
  • Secondary school children needing a device both at home and at school.
  • Obese individuals who may require higher doses.

Consulting Allergy Specialists

For further advice on prescribing auto-injectors, healthcare providers should consult local allergy specialist services.

Understanding the reasons for multiple auto-injectors ensures effective management of severe allergic reactions.